The LWVNC Tax Policy Review Committee was formed to lead a statewide review of LWVNC’s current tax policy position. The goals of the committee are to 1) demonstrate to LWVNC members why the current tax policy position needs to be revised; and 2) work to member agreement on a revised LWVNC tax policy position that is timely, effective, and facilitates advocacy efforts.
The committee will conduct a series of regularly scheduled online sessions, focusing on specific aspects of taxation in order to build member understanding of the principles and concepts that guide good state and local tax policy and educate members on basic tax terminology. The final session will have the committee report out and present a draft revised policy statement for LWVNC members discussion and approval.
The LWVNC Tax Policy Review Committee invites members to the third session on
NC state and local tax policy, to be held via Zoom on Thursday, April 4, 2024, from 7-8 pm.
The third session will feature a panel discussion on the benefits and drawbacks of
lowering NC corporate tax rates. Link to the Zoom meeting.
The fourth session to be held in early May will compare tax policy statements of
other state Leagues and how used in the respective state League’s advocacy
efforts. The fifth and final session to be held on June 6 will work to member agreement on a revised LWVNC tax policy statement for submission to the LWVNC Board for review and approval.